Oscars: The Academy Evaluates 11 Scientific and Technical Areas for 2024 Awards

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Oscars: The Academy Evaluates 11 Scientific and Technical Areas for 2024 Awards

The Scientific and Technical Awards Presentation will be held on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced on August 20 that 11 distinct scientific and technical investigations have been launched for 2024 in the lead-up to the Scientific and Technical Awards on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

These investigations are made public so that individuals and companies with devices or claims of innovation within these areas can submit achievements for review.  The Academy’s Scientific and Technical Awards Committee has started investigations into the following areas:

Character dental prosthetics

On-set tools for live compositing of virtual characters and environments

In-Camera Visual Effects rendering or playback engines

LED processors for In-Camera Visual Effects

Image-based lighting for CG rendering

Heat-protective gel for stunt performer safety

Artist-friendly tools for constructing anatomical character simulation setups

Final frame post process denoisers for CG rendering

Dynamic time alignment of multiple moving microphones

Stabilized multi-camera systems for capturing wide FOV plates

Transportable six-degrees-of-freedom motion bases capable of supporting heavy loads

The deadline to submit additional entries is Thursday, September 5, at 5 p.m. PT.  For more information on the Scientific and Technical Awards or to submit a similar technology, click here.

After thorough investigations in each technology category, the committee will meet in the fall to vote on recommendations to the Academy’s Board of Governors, which will make the final awards decisions.

The Scientific and Technical Awards Presentation will be held on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is home to a global membership of more than 10,500 of the most accomplished film industry artists and leaders. 

The Academy recognizes and celebrates all aspects of the arts and sciences of moviemaking through renowned awards for cinematic achievement, including the Oscars.

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